(JP) OKITOUR客户中心 由于来电量大,电话连接困难,请通过聊天或微信联系我们。

Times car的 undefined

0570-054-317 (international resident +81-92-735-8886)

〒817-0016 352-4, Higashizato, Izuharamachi, Tsushima City, Nagasaki


Approx. 350 meters or 5min on foot from Izuhara Port, the gateway to the sea. 
Located at the gas station with an Apollo sign. 
Please call Izuhara Taxi on 0920-52-0227 to arrange for the shuttle service(The phone charge is on the branch). 
Please be careful not to dial the number in case of reservations as the number is exclusively for the shuttle service.


7:00–19:00 / 8:00–18:00(Sunday,National holidays)/8:00~17:00(2025/1/1~2025/1/3)